All terms in EDAM

Label Id Description
Protein and peptide identification topic_0767 [Protein and peptide identification]
Cell migration track image data_3449 [An image from a cell migration track assay.]
Cell biology topic_2229 [Cells, such as key genes and proteins involved in the cell cycle.]
Theoretical biology topic_0771 [Theoretical biology]
Data types and objects topic_0770 [Structuring data into basic types and (computational) objects.]
WormBase wormpep ID data_2114 [Protein identifier used by WormBase database.]
WormBase identifier data_2113 [Identifier of an object from the WormBase database.]
Nucleic acid features (codon) data_2116 [An informative report on a trinucleotide sequence that encodes an amino acid including the triplet sequence, the encoded amino acid or whether it is a start or stop codon.]
Map data_1274 [A map of (typically one) DNA sequence annotated with positional or non-positional features.]
Molecular property identifier data_2110 [Identifier of a molecular property.]
Codon usage table ID data_2111 [Identifier of a codon usage table, for example a genetic code.]
Genetic code data_1598 [A genetic code for an organism.]
Codon usage table data_1597 [Table of codon usage data calculated from one or more nucleic acid sequences.]
MRI image data_3442 [An imaging technique that uses magnetic fields and radiowaves to form images, typically to investigate the anatomy and physiology of the human body.]
Medical imaging topic_3384 [The use of imaging techniques for clinical purposes for medical research.]
FlyBase primary identifier data_2112 [Primary identifier of an object from the FlyBase database.]
FlyBase ID data_1089 [Identifier of an object from the FlyBase database.]
Sequence profile type data_2130 [A label (text token) describing a type of sequence profile such as frequency matrix, Gribskov profile, hidden Markov model etc.]
Operating system name data_2131 [Name of a computer operating system such as Linux, PC or Mac.]
Mitochondria topic_0779 [Mitochondria, typically of mitochondrial genes and proteins.]