All terms in EDAM

Label Id Description
File format name data_2129 [Name of a file format such as HTML, PNG, PDF, EMBL, GenBank and so on.]
Fungi topic_0782 [Fungi and molds, e.g. information on a specific fungal genome including molecular sequences, genes and annotation.]
Pathogens topic_0783 [Pathogens, e.g. information on a specific vertebrate genome including molecular sequences, genes and annotation.]
Plant biology topic_0780 [Plants, e.g. information on a specific plant genome including molecular sequences, genes and annotation.]
Virology topic_0781 [Study of viruses, e.g. sequence and structural data, interactions of viral proteins, or a viral genome including molecular sequences, genes and annotation.]
Translation frame specification data_2126 [Frame for translation of DNA (3 forward and 3 reverse frames relative to a chromosome).]
Genetic code identifier data_2127 [An identifier of a genetic code.]
Genetic code name data_2128 [Informal name for a genetic code, typically an organism name.]
Configuration file format format_4005 [A configuration file used by various programs to store settings that are specific to their respective software.]
Concentration data_2140 [The concentration of a chemical compound.]
Zstandard format format_4006 [Format used by the Zstandard real-time compression algorith.]
Window step size data_2141 [Size of the incremental 'step' a sequence window is moved over a sequence.]
NumPy format format_4003 [The standard binary file format used by NumPy - a fundamental package for scientific computing with Python - for persisting a single arbitrary NumPy array on disk. The format stores all of the shape and dtype information necessary to reconstruct the array correctly.]
EMBOSS graph data_2142 [An image of a graph generated by the EMBOSS suite.]
SimTools repertoire file format format_4004 [Format of repertoire (archive) files that can be read by SimToolbox (a MATLAB toolbox for structured illumination fluorescence microscopy) or alternatively extracted with zip file archiver software.]
NIFTI format format_4001 [An open file format from the Neuroimaging Informatics Technology Initiative (NIfTI) commonly used to store brain imaging data obtained using Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) methods.]
pickle format_4002 [Format used by Python pickle module for serializing and de-serializing a Python object structure.]
R markdown format_4000 [A file format for making dynamic documents (R Markdown scripts) with the R language.]
Arabidopsis topic_0786 [Arabidopsis-specific data.]
Rice topic_0787 [Rice-specific data.]