All properties in HCAO

Label Id Description
expand expression to IAO_0000424 [A macro expansion tag applied to an object property (or possibly a data property) which can be used by a macro-expansion engine to generate more complex expressions from simpler ones]
expressed in RO_0002206 [x expressed in y if and only if there is a gene expression process (GO:0010467) that occurs in y, and one of the following holds: (i) x is a gene, and x is transcribed into a transcript as part of the gene expression process (ii) x is a transcript, and the transcription of x is part of the gene expression process (iii) x is a mature gene product such as a protein, and x was translated or otherwise processes from a transcript that was transcribed as part of this gene expression process]
expresses RO_0002292 [Inverse of 'expressed in']
extends_fibers_into extends_fibers_into [X extends_fibers into Y iff there exists some neuron (N) and N has_soma_location X and N 'has synaptic IO in region' some Y]
external_class external_class
external_class_label external_class_label
external_ontology external_ontology
fasciculates with RO_0002101 [relationship between a neuron and a neuron projection bundle (e.g.- tract or nerve bundle) that one or more of its projections travels through. , Relation between a neuron and the neuron projection bundle it fasciculates with. FOL: x fasciculates_with y iff: exists some 'neuron ; CL_0000540'(x), some 'neuron projection bundle ; CARO_0001001'(y), some 'neuron projection ; GO_0043005'(np), np part_of x AND np overlaps y AND np aligned_with y]
file-release file-release
filtered through filtered_through [Relationship between a fluid and a material entity, where the fluid is the output of a realization of a filtration role that inheres in the material entity.]
first order logic expression IAO_0000426
format format
formed as result of RO_0002354
formula formula
function of RO_0000079 [a relation between a function and an independent continuant (the bearer), in which the function specifically depends on the bearer for its existence]
functional_classification functional_classification
functionally related to RO_0002328 [A grouping relationship for any relationship directly involving a function, or that holds because of a function of one of the related entities.]
genbank_common_name genbank_common_name
gene gene
genomically related to RO_0002330 [holds between two entities when some genome-level process such as gene expression is involved. This includes transcriptional, spliceosomal events. These relations can be used between either macromolecule entities (such as regions of nucleic acid) or between their abstract informational counterparts.]