All properties in HCAO

Label Id Description
gocheck_do_not_annotate gocheck_do_not_annotate
gocheck_do_not_manually_annotate gocheck_do_not_manually_annotate
goslim_agr goslim_agr
goslim_candida goslim_candida
goslim_chembl goslim_chembl
goslim_drosophila goslim_drosophila
goslim_flybase_ribbon goslim_flybase_ribbon
goslim_generic goslim_generic
goslim_metagenomics goslim_metagenomics
goslim_mouse goslim_mouse
goslim_pir goslim_pir
goslim_plant goslim_plant
goslim_pombe goslim_pombe
goslim_synapse goslim_synapse
goslim_yeast goslim_yeast
granular_stage granular_stage
grouping_class grouping_class
has 2D boundary RO_0002002 [a relation between a material entity and a 2D immaterial entity (the boundary), in which the boundary delimits the material entity]
has ID digit count IAO_0000596 [Relates an ontology used to record id policy to the number of digits in the URI. The URI is: the 'has ID prefix" annotation property value concatenated with an integer in the id range (left padded with "0"s to make this many digits)]
has ID policy for IAO_0000598 [Relating an ontology used to record id policy to the ontology namespace whose policy it manages]