All properties in HCAO

Label Id Description
precedes BFO_0000063 [x precedes y if and only if the time point at which x ends is before or equivalent to the time point at which y starts. Formally: x precedes y iff ω(x) <= α(y), where α is a function that maps a process to a start point, and ω is a function that maps a process to an end point.]
prefLabel prefLabel
preferred term when talking about an instance of this class in Homo sapiens HUMAN_PREFERRED
preferred_root IAO_0000700 [Ontology annotation property. Relates an ontology to a term that is a designated root term of the ontology. Display tools like OLS can use terms annotated with this property as the starting point for rendering the ontology class hierarchy. There can be more than one root.]
present in taxon RO_0002175 [S present_in_taxon T if some instance of T has some S. This does not means that all instances of T have an S - it may only be certain life stages or sexes that have S., S present_in_taxon T if some instance of T has some S. This does not means that all instances of T have an S - it may only be certain life stages or sexes that have S]
present_in_taxon present_in_taxon
process has causal agent RO_0002608 [Inverse of 'causal agent in process']
produced by RO_0003001 [a produced_by b iff some process that occurs_in b has_output a.]
produces RO_0003000 [a produces b if some process that occurs_in a has_output b, where a and b are material entities. Examples: hybridoma cell line produces monoclonal antibody reagent; chondroblast produces avascular GAG-rich matrix.]
prokaryote_subset prokaryote_subset
proportion proportion
protects protects
proximal to BSPO_0000100 [x proximal to y iff x is closer to the point of attachment with the body than y.]
proximally connected to proximally_connected_to [x proximally_connected_to y iff the proximal part of x is connected to y. i.e. x connected_to y and x distal_to y.]
proximalmost part of BSPO_0001106 [X proximalmost part of Y <=> X is in proximal side of Y and X is adjacent to the proximal boundary of Y, X proximalmost_part_of Y <=> X is part_of Y and X is adjacent_to the proximal boundary of Y.]
publisher publisher
quality is specified as IAO_0000419 [inverse of the relation of is quality specification of]
quality of RO_0000080 [a relation between a quality and an independent continuant (the bearer), in which the quality specifically depends on the bearer for its existence]
realized in BFO_0000054
realizes BFO_0000055