All properties in HCAO

Label Id Description
receives input from RO_0002485
reference reference
region region
regulated by RO_0002334 [inverse of regulates]
regulates RO_0002211 [p regulates q iff p is causally upstream of q, the execution of p is not constant and varies according to specific conditions, and p influences the rate or magnitude of execution of q due to an effect either on some enabler of q or some enabler of a part of q., process(P1) regulates process(P2) iff: P1 results in the initiation or termination of P2 OR affects the frequency of its initiation or termination OR affects the magnitude or rate of output of P2.]
regulates activity of RO_0011002 [The entity A has an activity that regulates an activity of the entity B. For example, A and B are gene products where the catalytic activity of A regulates the kinase activity of B.]
regulates characteristic RO_0019000 [A relationship that holds between a process and a characteristic in which process (P) regulates characteristic (C) iff: P results in the existence of C OR affects the intensity or magnitude of C.]
regulates levels of RO_0002332 [p regulates levels of c if p regulates some amount (PATO:0000070) of c]
related via localization to RO_0002337 [A relationship that holds via some process of localization]
relation relation
relation between physical entity and a process or stage RO_0002487
relational_slim relational_slim
results in acquisition of features of RO_0002315 [The relationship that links a specified entity with the process that results in an unspecified entity acquiring the features and characteristics of the specified entity]
results in assembly of RO_0002588
results in breakdown of RO_0002586 [p results in breakdown of c if and only if the execution of p leads to c no longer being present at the end of p]
results in changes to anatomical or cellular structure RO_0040036 [p has anatomical participant c iff p has participant c, and c is an anatomical entity]
results in development of RO_0002296 [p 'results in development of' c if and only if p is a developmental process and p results in the state of c changing from its initial state as a primordium or anlage through its mature state and to its final state.]
results in developmental progression of RO_0002295 [p results in the developmental progression of s iff p is a developmental process and s is an anatomical structure and p causes s to undergo a change in state at some point along its natural developmental cycle (this cycle starts with its formation, through the mature structure, and ends with its loss)., p results in the developmental progression of s iff p is a developmental process and s is an anatomical entity and p causes s to undergo a change in state at some point along its natural developmental cycle (this cycle starts with its formation, through the mature structure, and ends with its loss).]
results in fission of GOREL_0002004
results in formation of RO_0002297